

Hi Everyone.

Ok so here's my interpretation of this weeks Illustration Friday topic, 'Welcome'. 
As I've mentioned below, in more detail, I've recently been inspired by Burlesque performers and so have decided to Illustrate a woman welcoming home her love in true style!  

Lately I've been attending a class called Dr Sketchy's Anti-Art School, which is a really fun version of a life drawing class. Instead of your standard life drawing models you are asked to sketch Burlesque models in all sorts of attire from '1950's house wife' clothes to the classic lingerie Burlesque performers are known for. Combine this with some tapas, a glass of wine from the bar and it makes for a really fun night. 
I highly recommend it to anyone who loves to draw. 
I believe Dr sketchy's Anti-Art School has become a huge fad and is opening up new schools all over the world, so I suggest you look it up and see if there's one in your area. 

Thanks for checking out my blog.


  1. I am sure most "loves" would be freaking thrilled to come home to that! My husband included! Great piece, and neat take on the theme.

  2. OOOOHhhh, sounds like a helluva FUN class!

    This is a fantastic drawing. Hahaha, a great sight to come home to, I'm sure. Beats the slippers and pipe any day.

  3. That's wonderful. Your art and wine and art mixed together.
